Supplier Diversity & Inclusion
The SDI office strategically prioritizes advocating for diverse, small, and local businesses. We aim to broaden access to contracting opportunities, cultivate a sustainable supplier database, and oversee compliance and performance on M-NCPPC contracts.
Mission: Empowering Suppliers and Enriching communities
– We hold Match-Making sessions that focus on connecting procurement buyers to our businesses by commodities and business designations.
– We promote partnerships between Prime and Subcontractors
– With our growing partnerships throughout Prince George’s and Montgomery County, we can provide business resources, financial education, and referrals to certifying entities.
-Vendor Sessions! How to Do Business with M-NCPPC, click on SDI Bookings for more information:
-Automated emails notifying our business community about upcoming procurement opportunities
-View our Events Calendar
-Connect with us on Social Media
-Diversity Management System (DMS) will be an enhanced automated database of certified vendors and contract compliance. More information Coming Soon!
-DMS Training Resource Guides
-DMS Online Training schedule
SDI Business Initiatives
Diverse and Emerging Business (MFD) Program
What is the DEB program?
Build capacity for procurement opportunities by eliminating barriers and strengthening diverse businesses through training programs, certification, and strategic partnerships.
- DEB/MFD Eligibility – Coming soon
- How to enroll in the DEB/MFD program- Coming soon
Small and Local Business Preference Program
What is SLB Preference?
Preference points awarded to vendors upon submission of a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation for Bid (IFB) if the SLB eligibility criteria is met.
-Preference Point System- Coming soon
-SLB Eligibility- Coming Soon
-Certification Requirements- Coming Soon

M-NCPPC Procurement
Procurement Overview
Supplier Portal
Register as a supplier
M-NCPPC ProcureNow
Procurement PortalLawrence R. Â Taylor
Supplier Diversity Inclusion Chief